A apreciat · Locația ,condițiile de cazare și restaurantul sunt ok.Spa-ul ok ,piscina deschisă până la ora 21.oo
A apreciat · Aveti ocazia sa va convingeti ca si la noi se poate. Va recomand cu incredere aceasta locatie de exceptie, cu Oltul sub balcon si totul organizat in detaliu. Felicitari sincere celor implicati in acest proiect ! Eu ma intorc cu prima ocazie.
A apreciat · Camera si baia curate! Prosoape schimbate zilnic! Zgomotul facut de traficul intens nu se auzea !Mic dejun diversificat si bun! Aqua parc cu apa termala aproape! Restaurante cu mancare buna in zona!
A apreciat · Un hotel nou și rafinat, cu mâncare bună la mic dejun, situat chiar lângă Aqua Park, cu loc de joaca pt copii în interiorNu a apreciat · O piscina lipsea, dar din câte am înțeles, este în construcție, dar și un restaurant, unde sa poți servi prânzul și cina.
Liked · Mic dejun diversificat și foarte gustos, camere amenajate modern, curățenie, personal foarte amabil.Excelent!Translating... - Show original Show translation
A apreciat · Everything was great! The rooms modern and clean. Breakfast was delicious.Se traduce...... - Arată textul original Arată traducerea
An excellent hotel! Everything was perfect! The staff is very kind, the SPA area is well laid out, a big plus is the pool with thermal water. We will definitely come back, thank! I also recommend the restaurant, they have very good and well prepared menus.
Catalin1982Bucharest, Romania
We had a pleasent stay at the resort.The staff were very friendly and helfull.The pools of the hotel with hot springs water, also one for the kids.They had a kids play room, large free parking, also for electric.The food was good, the location was great.
bogdaneneBucharest, Romania
Good accomodation. Very warm people. Wellcoming personell. Clean. Modern. Good breakfast. Came for a week-end. Next to the river. Highly recommend. Services fits easily in 4 *. The only missing point - spa facilities are missing - im project...
Alex NSoutheast Romania, Romania
We went last summer here, and the place was amazing in my opinion, we didn’t had a reservation, but the staff there was able to give us a king-size room at the last floor, the view of Olt was spectacular, quit place, very clean, to bad the don’t have a pool yet.
ThomasA320Hamburg, Germany
Nagelneu und familiengeführt direkt am Fluss. Gute durchdachte Zimmer, ein sehr gutes Frühstück und supernette Gastgeberfamilie. Geplant ist ein Spa, ab 2022, um die heissen Quellen zu nutzen. Direkt auf der anderen Flussseite liegt die Europastraße und die Bahntrasse also nichts, um länger zu verweilen.