Jonathan Laterreur
Staff super gentil. Allez les voir si vous devez prendre l'avion avec votre brompton! Beau magasin avec des accessoires Brooks. \Very friendly staff. Go see them if you must take the plane with your brompton! Nice place to buy Brook's accessories.
Fantastic coffee spot just across from my hotel—couldn’t have asked for a better find! The coffee is excellent, rich and aromatic, and clearly made by baristas who know their craft.Highly recommend to anyone in the area looking for quality coffee!
Cozy specialty café with craft beer, cakes, snacks and cocktails. Visited the place in December and a delicious mulled wine was also in menu. Kind staff and a challenging way to the toilet, shared with a sort of governmental institution, frozen in the communist era. Briefly, a trip to the restroom is just like travelling back in time to the '80s.
Alexandru Nastac
De departe cea mai frumoasa si interesanta locatie de cafea din Romania p.s.:! As putea sa locuiesc in ea😂😂😂
Anna Baumgartner
(Tradus de Google) Cea mai bună cafea pe care am băut-o în ultimele luni! Și credeți-mă, acum doar câteva săptămâni, am fost în Costa Rica și Mexic, dar nicăieri nu am găsit un cappuccino la fel de bun ca cel din această cafenea. Iubesc absolut!(Original)The best coffee I’ve had in months! And believe me, just a few weeks ago, I was in Costa Rica and Mexico, but nowhere did I find a cappuccino as good as the one in this coffee shop. Absolutely love it!
David Lopez Valero
(Tradus de Google) Am fost la o cafea și ajung să vorbesc mult timp cu Barista. În plus, am luat o cafea în schimbul unei experiențe de „desfășurare” a unui Brompton. Mare! aș pune 6*****(Original)I went for a coffee and I end up talking for long time with the Barista. In addition I got a coffee in exchange of getting an experience of "unfolding" a Brompton. Great! I would put 6******
idan koren
(Tradus de Google) Vibe grozave, companie bună și, mai ales, cafea grozavă(Original)Great vibes, good company and most of all, great coffee
Cinomania Emilio Gaggini
(Tradus de Google) Personal amabil, loc pitoresc, băuturi bune(Original)Personale gentile, locale caratteristico, buone bibite
Antonín Šimůnek
(Tradus de Google) Cafea excelentă, grădină frumoasă, localnicii vin aici. O alegere excelentă pentru cafeaua de după-amiază.(Original)Vyborna kava, prijemna zahradka, chodi sem mistni. Na odpoledni kavu super volba.
Kryštof Rygl
(Tradus de Google) cafea minunată și un loc foarte frumos(Original)awesome coffee and a really nice spot
Ciprian Marius Bujor
(Tradus de Google) Tip drăguț, servicii bune, biciclete grozave și cafea(Original)Nice guy, good service, great bikes and coffee