Liked · This is the perfect spot if you plan to unwind and get in the spirit of a true country home in Maramureș. The host is genuinely very friendly and helpful. One can plan their time exploring the village by foot or driving to reach area’s popular attractions. It is rare these days that you can “experience” in a few short days a way of living, but Breb is a place that absorbs you in and it makes you feel like you belong…
Liked · An outstanding and authentic location in a fantastic environment with best comfort.We experienced highest hospitality from the owners as well as in the village from several neighbours.Perfect and quite location for visiting the region with its mmany outstanding spots.Very comfortable rooms, nice kitchen house and with imagination transformed barn to a relaxing living area which can be opend to the surrounding green areas.Disliked · -
Liked · La casuta est parfaitement rénovée dans le style de Maramures. L'emplacement est au calme, dans le beau village de Breb. Nous avons été accueillis très chaleureusement. Parfait!Translating... - Show original Show translation
Liked · Wszystko było cudowne. Miło spędzony czas w tradycyjnym klimacie😁 Blisko do restauracji. Cudowni mieszkańcy pomocni w każdej sytuacji. Gospodarze przemili. Stosunek ceny do jakości przewyższa oczekiwania. Wszystko świeże i czyste polecam na 1000%. Dziękujemy😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️Translating... - Show original Show translation
Liked · Confortabil, căsuța foarte bine dotată, liniște. De aici se poate face drumeții..este drum către Creasta Cocoșului. Totul a fost fain și cu siguranță vom reveni.Translating... - Show original Show translation
Liked · Die Lage. Die Umgebung alles war einzigartig. Die Leute vom Dorf sehr sehr freundlich. Alles in allem sehr sehr gutWir werden wieder kommen.Translating... - Show original Show translation
Liked · este minunata din toate punctele de vedereTranslating... - Show original Show translation
Doris Bociort
Am avut o experienta minunata la Casuta. Familia Tivadar, in special Mariuta, care a fost foarte implicata, ne-a facut sederea de 5 zile extrem de placuta si de frumoasa! Casuta este de vis, amplasata intr-un sat minunat, cu oameni /vecini foarte atenti si draguti. Camerele sunt tradiționale, generoase iar curtea si sura perfecte pentru relaxare. Recomand cu mare incredere si totodata nu ratati sa luati masa la Lenuta in Susani, mâncare deosebita!!
Ryszard Hadyk
(Tradus de Google) Loc de necrezut. Il recomand tuturor celor care apreciaza agroturismul. E mai bine decat in poze. Băi de un standard foarte înalt. Împrejurimi fantastice. În apropiere există și un restaurant local.(Original)Niewiarygodne miejsce. Polecam wszystkim którzy cenią sobie agroturystykę. Jest lepiej jak na zdjęciach. Łazienki na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Fantastyczna okolica. Do tego niedaleko swojska restauracja.